
The Gujarat Muslim Association of America (GMAA) works mainly on educational activities and social activities. The GMAA has contributed to promote education among the Gujarati Muslim community and to improve the social status and enlistment of Gujarati Muslim community.

Educational Activities:

To promote educational activities, the GMAA has introduced various programs as follow:
Scholarship Program

The objective of this program is to provide financial help to talented needy Muslim students for their further study.

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Sponsor a Student Program

Sposor A Student Program

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Teacher's Motivation Program

The objective of this program is to motivate Muslim teachers to be more productive.

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Social Activities:

To improve the social status and enlistment of Gujarati Muslim community, the GMAA has introduced various programs as follow:
Widow Program

Donate Generously for Widows, Orphans, Underprivileged Children

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Conditions that make Zakat Obligatory

For those who give in charity, men and women, and loan to Allah A Beautiful Loan,

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Natural Disaster Relief Progra

Sorry! No Programs details are avaliable in this category.

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Post Riots Relief

After tragic events and the inhumane massacre of Gujarati Muslims and destruction of their property by Hindus fascist groups in 2002

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